Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Patience? Where are you?

last week i had patience. i listened to people before declaring them idiots. i tried not to judge people on their outfits until they said something stupid. i let the guy at the 4 way stop go first even though i was totally there 1/2 a second before he was. I let some jerk get in front of me even though the left lane closed signs started 3 miles back and he was being an ass who thought he deserved to rush ahead and sneak in.

yeah, this week is not so much like that. i have judged everyone on their bad outfit choices this week: even though it's winter, you still should have the ability to put something on that is not stained sweat pants and a hideous christmas sweater with matching fake christmas light earrings. I paced my driving so that the guy wanting to get over couldn't get in behind me or ahead of me, and laughed maniacally in my car as he came to a complete stop before merging. i might have yelled "SUCK IT!" as well, but i can't be sure. no one has met me at a 4 way stop today... they can probably sense the vibes that i will not be giving anyone leeway this week. Oh and before i even said hi to anyone at work yesterday, someone came up to me with the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard. in my head i said "fuck off wanker" but i really said "excuse me while i get some coffee" completely ignoring them. the day only got worse.

perhaps its this crappy time of year, perhaps its just a mood swing, i'm not sure. either way i do know that secretly being mean is gratifying.

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