Monday, March 16, 2009

Mean People

I live in Iowa... the heartland... the place where nice people are supposed to thrive, right? No.

I don't know if it's in the water or what the deal is, but lately I've been running into mean people at a far greater frequency than I am used to. People cutting me off on the highway, I got flipped off the other day because some dude tried to cut ahead of me in line, people butting into my conversation rudely offering an opinion that I did NOT ask for... I mean really. Normally, people have a nicer disposition in the city I live in (don't get the wrong impression - there are 350,000 people here - I'm not in a small town).

Do you think I should blame the economy on this one? Or are people just starting to let down their polite flags and start exercising their right to be angry? If it's the former, welcome to my attitude island - I hate most people and am not ashamed to admit it. Its just that before, I would feel bad about being rude to a nice person - but since there seem to be a lack of those around here lately - it's GAME ON!

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